Delhi Public School B.S.City




We at DPS Bokaro aim to provide a liberal, happy and diverse environment for students that not only nurtures their creativity and enthuses finer values like empathy, integrity, patriotism and honesty but also helps them realise their true potential and eventually they evolve as global leaders with character.It is our endeavour to provide our students with a wonderful platform to hone their academic skills along with their co curricular skills. I believe it is our duty to encourage the natural curiosity inherent in every child- when this is properly nourished it becomes a habit and life transforms into a wonderful journey of discovery.Today’s children are to be prepared for the global platform and we must mould young minds into youth who can think, articulate and are confident of facing the world with a humane yet critical approach.Our biggest support in this journey towards excellence is our Chairman, the school management, well wishers and parents who have over the years supported us in scripting innumerable success stories.We hope to empower all our students to become responsible and conscientious global citizens who as innovators will make the world a more tolerant, peaceful and progressive place to live in.